Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday in Monte-Land

Overall Monte had a really great day. I thought it was going to be trying when he started out by chewing my shoe - but that was his first and only bad act of the day.

He went on three walks today. He was very well behaved for all of them. He did not go to the washroom on any of them though. Maybe I'll start bringing a pee pad out with me so he knows he is supposed to go outside.
Today Monte learned stay. Not only did he learn it, but he has it pretty under control. He sits, I say stay, walk back about ten feet - he waits until I say OK and then he comes and gets his cookie. It is working really well. He does it in his cage and at the door coming in and leaving the complex. Maybe tomorrow I'll try it going in and out the apartment door.
Monte had a bath today. Somehow he got poo stuck in the pads on his feet so every where he walked he was leaving poo prints. I tried to just wipe it off, but he has some deep paw pads! So into the tub he went. As Krista said, he is really well behaved in the tub. He just stood there waited patiently for Jared to be done washing him. (I gave Jared the choice of washing the dog or cleaning poo prints... obviously he chose the former).

As I mentioned, he has been behaving better than Patrick today! Today Patrick spent the most time in the naughty chair. Now Monte is tired from his walking/bathing episodes and is curled up on my lap looking all shiny and smelling better than anyone else in the house.

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