Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More Monte

I think Monte needs to go outside. Today I am taking him for a walk and I just don't care. He has started doing things he never did before (such as chewing my shoes, barking at people walking by) and I think it has more to do with him being bored and needing to burn off energy than being bad.

Things I'm not sure are related to that: Monte eats his poo. GROSS! Did you know that? He was flinging something around the floor and rolling on it and I was like "Monte what do you have?" (he eats cords too... so I have to stay on it) and he was rolling on poo. When I went to get it he ATE it. This has happened more than once. I try to keep all his poo picked up but evidently I am not quick enough. On the same note, he likes to poop on my shoes (and then chew the same shoes... maybe I sense a pattern). I know it's his poo because it is WAY bigger than the boys'.

As a result of his pooping on and chewing shoes fetish lately, he's been spending a bit more time in his pen. The good news of this is he is so much better about waiting to come out. The bad is, it contributes to his boredom. Walk for sure today.

He is eating much more of his own food than he was which is good. His sits are wonderful, he has stopped digging in the trash. They all get a long better now - until the boys run out of energy and Monte does not. Then he gets a stern talking to from them and settles down.

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