Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hump Day

I'm not going to lie. Today started out rough. Monte cried like he was DYING when Jared left for work, so I got up and let him, Jack and Patrick out of their pens just so Monte could poop on the rug. Very frustrating. So I put him back in his pen for a bit and let him out and he did it again - but I caught him right when he started and put him in his litter and locked him in. I wasn't letting him out because I KNEW he had to go. He didn't go. For 2 hours he was in there, but seriously... there can't be multiple accidents a day on the carpet. Finally he went in his box so I let him out. He's been great since. No more accidents today. A big problem is when we leave he just wails. It seriously sounds like someone is killing him. I wouldn't be shocked if a neighbor complained. That all sounds harsh - but its the truth.

His behavior outside his cage today has been much much better! He is getting very good and reliable at "Off". He sits 99% of the time even when he is excited or distracted. He also lays down without me having to keep his bum down. He's been much more responsive to his name and being called. His neuter still seems fine and is not hindering him at all. I think I will probably take him out before the 2 weeks simply because he needs the exercise.

Tomorrow will be a good test for him. Jared and I both will be in and out most of the day if not just plain old gone.

Goals for tomorrow - continue to improve "get in your bed". He's starting to go in a bit more willingly for me. He pretty much knows it means we're leaving so it's not his favourite. Keep working on Sit and Down - Add Stay!

Pictures: Monte and Jack getting a tan and Patrick sleeping with Monte's Bone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Random Monte

Not too much to report today. He is home from his neuter and doing very well. We actually had a major break through with the door just now. He waited politely with the other dogs while I went to the garbage without trying to rush the door. YAY Monte. On to the pictures! The first picture is when he just got home. He needed a rest!

The next one is Monte showing us his toy choice of the day. Again it is orange, but smaller. He likes the squeaker as Krista heard on the phone.
For the grand finale, a VIDEO! Here is one of Monte's quick "training" sessions today. Showing him working on Sit and down. As you can see he has sit under control, and down is coming. 2 quick sessions like this a day is all it takes!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monte's Big Day

As you know, today is/was Monte's neuter day. We woke up bright and early to leave the house around 8am.

Monte was super good all morning and in the car. He really is a good car dog. My only concern was he hadn't gone to the washroom at all. Here is me walking him trying to make him pee!

Monte was OBVIOUSLY hungry. He was climbing all over the giant dog food bags - he must have smelled the deliciousness. All the people were like "He's SO cute... oh so cute" and playing with him and talking about his wonderful personality. Almost every single person asked me his breed. 2 people asked if he was miniature pinscher. The vet tech (pictured - he looks grumpy but he wasn't) thought he had some terrier in him because of his furries on his face.
He weighed in at 8lbs 1oz. The vet thought he looked younger than he is - but had to concede she was being given correct information when it was revealed that she delivered him.
I'll pick him up tomorrow around 10am.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Tale of Two Montes

Monte has been here for a little over 24 hours now - and there are certainly TWO Montes. There is sweet, affectionate, loving Monte (I call this one Mellow Monte) and there is Bossy, Closed Ears, Digging in the Garbage, Whining for attention, jumping up Monte (this is Monster Monte). The boys (Jackson and Patrick) are very tolerant of Mellow Monte, but have a short temper with Monster Monte. Here they are sleeping together last night before bed time.

We learned last night that he certainly IS part beagle. Beagles make a very distinctive noise, and he was making it - last night at 1:30am after everyone had been asleep for 2 hours. I woke up and cleaned his poo and he calmed down and went back to bed. We have been working hard with him while he is in his room because he is just bolting out when we start to open the door. It's dangerous he could get hurt or someone else - so we're patiently getting to him to sit nicely with the door open before he can come out. (Rewarded with lots of treats of course!) Same thing with people leaving out the door. He tries to bolt out the door (which is especially dangerous here because he'll fall off the walkway to the floor below!) So, again we are making him sit patiently and wait while people leave.
First thing this morning we woke up and Monte is the epitome of a morning person! So I loaded him and Jack up and we headed to the dog park (I forgot my camera - bad Auntie!) Monte had a great time with all the dogs and was very good. It was really hot though, so we didn't last too long. The day went well, Vince came over to visit and Monte liked him. He sat right on his foot. Vince said that while it made him hot, he was too cute to move.

After dinner Monte was BAD! He kept trying to get into the garbage and actually knocked it over at one point. What a stinker! I took his Monster Monte energy and tried to wear him out playing tug with him. He loves all the boys toys and tries to lay on as many as possible while he plays with his toy of choice. Patrick had had quite enough of this and decided to steal back the orange doggie. Monte - tripling Patrick's weight was not going to let go easily. So they played a MAJOR game of tug - eventually Monte won. Jack saw that Patrick was obviously out-matched and decided to join in the next round. Two chihuahuas against vs Heinz-57 dog. It was a good battle, but they all gave up when I got up and walked away! You can see he loves the orange doggie most. He almost always has it near him or with him. I put it in his cage while we're out to keep him company.

Today Monte worked on looking and paying attention when his name is called, sit, down, no bite and "off". He has sit pretty well (as long as you have a cookie or lots of praise!) and "off isn't too shabby either. He got new litter today and a new harness!

Tomorrow he has his vet appointment, so he can't have anymore food or water for the evening. He's laying down beside me as I type this being Mellow Monte for the moment. He sends his love!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Monte's Blog

Monte is a puppy we are dog-sitting while his people are in Hawaii. I figured this would be a good easy way to keep them up to date with how and what he's doing each day.

Today was our first day with Monte. He has a lot more energy than our two pups, and he wanted to keep playing with them longer than they did. So, after they gave him the "LEAVE US ALONE" treatment he began to play with all their toys. He likes their snowy bear, stuffed bone and orange tube toy the best.

He went for a walk today and was very good. He has mastered sit and is starting lay down. He's been listening well and is now enjoying a nap on the end of the couch!